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Services & Pricing



8 weeks package

1 hour/week


A good fit if you are:

  • New to working with a coach, and want to make sure it's at fit

  • Working on a specific, time-limited project (e.g. incomplete coursework, capstone, licensing exam etc.)

  • Looking to jumpstart the semester or academic year, or finish out on a strong note


15 week package

1 hour/week


A good fit if you are:

  • Looking for help with organization, planning, time management or study strategies

  • Need intermittent accountability check-ins

  • Transitioning into college as a first-year or transfer student

  • Ready to bounce back after a tough previous semester


15 week package

2 hours/week


A good fit if you are:​

  • Looking for help with task initiation, procrastination, or perfectionism

  • Need frequent accountability check-ins

  • Want time for co-working/body doubling during coaching sessions

  • You have a history of incompletes, dropping classes, or are returning from a leave of absence

Coaching Package Prices
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